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Anchor Awards

Third Annual ACMF Gala & Anchor Awards celebrate the Spirit of Maritime


The American Caribbean Maritime Foundation (ACMF) held its annual Gala and Anchor Awards ceremony on 2 October. This year, though, this was virtual event this year in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Under the theme “The Spirit of Maritime”, the online Gala and awards brought together patrons and stakeholders in the maritime sector to inspire giving and hope. The Anchor Awards celebrate shipping and maritime industry professionals who have contributed significantly to the growth and development of the sector in the Caribbean region. This year’s honorees were H. Winchester Thurber, Chairman, Norton Lilly International one of the largest providers of agency services in North America; and Richard Sasso, executive chairman, MSC Cruises USA and Ambassador of the MSC Foundation in the Americas.


Ahead of the event, Captain Remy Vyzelman, president of Integra Marine and Freight Services and ACMF 2020 Gala Chair said: “We are very proud to be honoring Win Thurber and Rick Sasso, two individuals who combined have given almost a century of dedicated leadership to the maritime sector.”