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MTCC Caribbean - Maritime Technology Cooperation Centre Caribbean

Maritime sector can play key role in climate change initiative

A major effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from ships is being spearheaded by MTCC Caribbean – part of a global network of five Maritime Technology Cooperation Centres. Shipping agents and operators can play their part by assisting MTCC Caribbean with its data collection.

The Maritime Technology Cooperation Centre (MTCC) Caribbean, hosted by the University of Trinidad & Tobago, is a part of the ‘Capacity Building for Climate Mitigation in the Maritime Shipping Industry’ project (2016-2019) funded by the European Union and implemented by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).


Five MTCCs have been established: one each in Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America and the Pacific. Together they constitute the Global MTCC Network (GMN). The central aim of the GMN is to promote technology cooperation and capacity building within the maritime sector to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from ships. To achieve the GMN objectives, MTCC Caribbean aims to:

  • Provide a platform for partnerships in enhancing energy-efficient methods in the maritime domain at international level and specifically in the Caribbean region;
  • Identify environmentally friendly and sustainable technologies available to the region;
  • Enhance awareness and uptake of environmentally sound technologies and expertise within the Caribbean region;
  • Provide advisory and market development services for technology adopters and suppliers;
  • Monitor regional energy efficiency needs and align training programs to meet these needs.


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